Boise Family Photography: Hawley Family

When Candice wrote me, she said that she hadn't taken family pictures without a tripod EVER! I was immediately giddy with excitement when she sent me a picture of her little girls...a red head, blonde and brunette!! Are you kidding!? This family is perfect! From the moment we got there the girls were running and throwing sticks into the pond! It was the most perfect evening. This is how I want my family sessions to be! Enjoy!


Boise Child Photography: Rylie Turns ONE!!

 There is something so heart warming about a MOMMY-DAUGHTER session. Rylie loves her mommy. I had such a special time spending Rylie's first birthday with her. We, of course, had a blustery cold day in February and planned the second part of the shoot outdoors. Rylie was a tough little girl and made the most of her photoshoot. She was the perfect little model.

I decided to blog mostly black and whites on this session- just something different. Thank you to Ashley and her beautiful daughter Rylie!! XO (I'm not even her mom and I LOVE her to pieces!)


Would you like to photograph the "Perfect Family"? YES PLEASE!: Boise Family Photographer, Boise Children Photography, Boise Child Photographer}

BOISE FAMILY PHOTOGRAPHER: When I met Mandy last year I had to literally pick my jaw up off the ground! SHE IS BEAUTIFUL!! Then I took a look at her boys and freaked out again! Seriously! How did I get to take their pictures!?? So when she contacted me again for a family shoot with her husband, I couldn't contain myself! I practically jumped out of my skin! So to kick of 2012, I'd like to present the kind of session that I would love to offer! It starts of exploring...picking up sticks, throwing rocks, playing hide and go seek and making faces. We plop the kids in a pose here and there so that we don't get them too cranky. I have found that if you make something sound fun and look fun, they will want to do it! I want to create a memory instead of just a photo session! So this session pretty much is exactly that! We had a blast! It was kinda cold but you know boys, they didn't care a bit! We ended the sessions with giant suckers and I couldn't have been more pleased! So.... Perfect family...YES PLEASE!!!!
 Happy New YEAR!!!!

Caldwell Family Photography: The Villanueva Family

 Oh this family is a BLAST!!! I had the pleasure of shooting the Villanueva family again this year! A few months back I checked in on Michelle and noticed that her facebook profile picture was one from last years session in the SNOW and it was the middle of summer! I told her we need to change this little missy!! So she rounded up her gang and we met at the baseball park. The Villanueva family is definitely a baseball family. Javier and Jordan both play baseball and they are both outstanding athletes. It was so fun to see them goof off and have fun together, they even rough housed while we all laughed! So here is a few of our super fun session!

Family Photos...Done Early!! {Family Portrait, Childrens Photographer, Boise Idaho}

Its the first couple weeks into December and you reach into the mailbox and find the cutest card with a family photo on it, saying Merry Christmas from the Jones's! OH NO!! I should have done that! It always seems like Christmas comes too quick! So here it is September, and there is plenty of time to get them done. Whether you want a beautiful piece of wall art for your home or to make cards to send out to friends and family, here is your chance! Lets get this done with way before Christmas! Here is a short slideshow of some of my recent family photos. Please contact me for more information!!

Boise Child Photography: Woodland Fairy, Polka Dots and Balloons! Veronica Turns ONE!!!

 I am always so excited to spend any amount of time around kids! They are so silly and fun and pretty much don't care what they look like or what they do! Just my type of people! Veronica was a little hesitant with me at first but by the end of the day she finally warmed up to the camera. Grandma Patty was the most gracious and fun host, she was coloring with the kids and laughing!! This day everyone was having fun! When the cake was set in front of Veronica she very daintily touched it and when she got something on her hands she would cry for a napkin. She was definitely the cleanest one year old Ive ever been around! Here are some photos of the birthday party!

Boise Children Photography: Sarich Brothers Playdate!

 When Kelly asked me to come over for dinner I already started planning out in my mind what I was going to have the kids do for a photo shoot! Kelly and I have known eachother for about a million years, well more like 12 years, but before she had Hallie so a LONG time. She made chicken alfredo and we all sat at the table and laughed at Ayden telling stories about zombies! Yes he is 4 but he knows how to kill zombies! I told him to go put on a superhero outfit to take some pictures so he ran to the room and came back with a Barbarian outfit! We went outside and played in the front yard. When we came back in Bennett was put to bed but I hadn't shot him yet so we decided to go up to his room and take a few of him playing in the crib. He was NOT tired so Kelly grabbed him and dressed him up- time for photoshoot #2! So much fun even though it was not planned...I just love these kids!!

Boise Child Photography: Jakoby on the move!!

 Have you ever spotted the cutest little kid and wanted to just sit and stare at them?? Normally kids will just stare back so its totally fine right?? Well this little girl was ADORABLE since the first day she came into this world! I have known Lisa for a bunch of years and when she moved away I lost track of what she was up to. I saw her and Jakoby eating one day at the mall and just about died! What an absolutely gorgeous little girl! Of course she has a beautiful mommy so it was just inevitable. I pretty much vowed from that day, a year ago, to get that girl in front of my camera! I finally got that chance! What a fun day! I just LOVE LOVE LOVE me some silliness and she let me have it! Here are some fun ones from the shoot!!

Boise Family Photography: The Progression to a Perfect Family Photo

 I always have in mind what I want a group photo to be..."real". To be honest, that is a really hard thing to accomplish. So when I get something like this, I am truly happy. These are the moments that will make you smile for years and years to come. Its not the forced weird uncomfortable smiles that you will want, so get ready to be silly and fun so that you can have a family photo that will always make you smile!! (and all this because I had mom and daughter hold hands!! )
 Thank you Christina! You have a beautiful family! What a fun shoot!!! I am very blessed!!

Running your business on Biblical principles {Boise Idaho Photographer}

Hello!! I hardly ever post a blog without pictures but when I find something that means a lot to me I can't help it!! I just ran across this blog post by Matt Hollingsworth, a guest blogger who attended a workshop headed by Mike Larson in 2010. Mike Larson is a well known Christian photographer who I admire. I was instantly drawn to this post and wanted to share this with you. I pray that I am "salt and light" in my business and that I make an impact on those around me. This post really helped me keep the right perspective. If I lose my God-centered perspective, I'm "lost". So, here you go! :)

"Did you know that the Bible has more to say about money than about any other single topic? God doesn’t necessarily place a greater importance on money than on other truths, but our attitudes about money and the way we use it indicate our deeper spiritual condition. Since business involves the exchange of money, it stands to reason that God places a significant value to the way business works.

Indeed, today we really saw that a business run by Christians should not just be better than other businesses, it should be totally different. If Jesus is really at the center of our own individual lives, or if we aspire for Him to be, then our lives should reflect changes as we grow and allow Him to refine our character. And then, as business owners, as our individual lives change to become more Christ-like, our businesses should also become more Christlike.

What, then, is a Christ-like business, and why would we try to have such a business?

The answer to the second question actually answers the first question.

A big revelation for me today, something that completely resets my approach to “work” – especially as a new business owner – is this big-idea truth that Mike shared:

Business is a tool that God uses to refine our own character and to glorify Him in ways that our personal lives may not allow us to do.

As I let that sink in, it changes how I see what I do. Business for the Christian isn’t just making better products, isn’t just sending invoices and receiving payments more efficiently, isn’t just becoming the market leader, isn’t even just giving people something great that they will treasure for a lifetime.

Business is about God’s deeper work in us and the people around us.

This means that God is ultimately more concerned about our character than our profit. Of course profit is important and necessary in a business. Without profit, there is no business and you just have a nice hobby that doesn’t provide for your needs. But at times God calls us to sacrifice in the area of profit for the sake of doing what is right so that He can shape our character to be more like Him. Profit and the money the business produces will be a by-product, or “symptom” as Mike put it, of a business run on Godly principles.

This means that as a business owner, I have a not just the opportunity, but the responsibility to lead and develop the character of the people that work with and for me. Wow. Have you ever thought of your position as an employer as including the responsibility to help employees personally develop, and not just do their job? Jesus set the example for us as a leader by pouring His life into the lives of those around Him.

This means that as the leader of our businesses, we take ownership of communicating the style, the values, the principles by which we conduct business to everyone on our team. We ensure that everyone is on the same page and we take the initiative and time to train each person. We provide both correction and praise to people who work with us, just as God does to us – all in a backdrop of patient love.

And this means that we deal with and understand people not in terms of their status – “boss” vs. “worker”, or “$400k revenue business” vs. “$40k revenue business”, or “been shooting weddings for 7 years” vs. “I’ve shot 2 weddings”, or “my camera costs $x” vs. “your camera costs $y”, or “client who makes $500k a year” vs. “client who makes $35k a year”. All these things simply promote pride and arrogance, which are only obstacles to our growth. All people are equal in God’s eyes, and when we relate to our staff, our vendors, our peers and our clients we must honor them as individuals rather than as categories.

Pretty challenging, isn’t it? But if business is a tool that God uses to develop our character and to glorify Him, it will be different than just going to work.

Mike also talked about six symptoms of business bondage – signs that your business may not be in line with God’s ultimate purpose for it. These aren’t death sentences, though. Just like pain in our bodies, they are signals that we need to change in some area in order to experience God’s best for us.
1. Superiority, which is really just pride and arrogance. Do you compare yourself to others and either think you’re less of a person when you don’t measure up, or more important and valuable when you come out ahead of someone else? The answer to this is humility and esteeming others higher than ourselves.
2. Selfishness, which we can understand as greed. In place of greed, we need to give.
3. Overwork, which is an indicator of financial bondage.
4. Excessive use of credit means that we’re not completely trusting God to provide for us with what He has already given us.
5. Disorganization, which has at its root laziness.
6. Trying to get rich quick – this indicates our love of money above our love for God.

Finally, we talked today about some practical strategies to implement these ideals and qualities in our lives and businesses, and to address some of the root problems that the symptoms of business bondage bring to our attention.
Here are the highlights:
  • Pray – praying is a muscle. If you don’t pray when you don’t have to, then you won’t be able to when you need to. Pray specifically for wisdom and direction each day.
  • Make mentoring a priority in your life. Find a person or people who agree to spend time with you regularly and give you part of their lives – their experience, wisdom and knowledge. Be open to their guidance and to learning from them, putting aside your own pride.
  • Know your vision for your life and your priorities and write them down. Make your life vision the lens through which you make your everyday decisions.
  • Have people around you that hold you accountable. Ensure there are one or more people who have the ability to stand up to you when you need to be corrected or instructed. Don’t surround yourself with “yes men” and be humble enough to accept the correction.
  • Ensure you have time each day for prayer and connection with God in your own personal life.
  • Spend quality time with your family. Compartmentalize work so it does not take over your life.
  • Debt is bondage, so avoid it wherever possible.
Today I am renewed in my approach to work. I not only have a better understanding of God’s true plan for business, but a vision of how amazing and fulfilling a business could be when surrendered to God. Business can bring growth to my character; strength to my family; blessing to people who work with me who may not have otherwise been blessed. It can give me the chance to learn through sacrifice and giving.
It may or not bring a lot of money, but it can be something that brings me closer to God."

Boise Children Photography: Twin Brother and Sister

 OH MY GOODNESS!! I literally squeeled when i saw these kids!  I was so happy to hear from Amanda again this year to do pictures of her twins, this time for a surprise Father's Day gift! We decided to go try a new location out of town advised by a photographer friend of mine and it was AMAZING!! Grandma and sister came to help be silly and make the kids laugh! I am so happy that Amanda brought such cute outfits to change them into! All and all it was a super fun shoot and I couldn't ask for a better day!

Boise Child Photography: Gabby gets serious!

 So I believe that I have successfully infiltrated the "police department"! My bestest girly Sonia Lopez works for dispatch at the police department and can't seem to keep her mouth shut about me, I just don't know why! LOL! I am so thankful for her and all the ladies that have chosen me for their family photos. 
Crystal called me as a referral from another client there and needed to get pictures of her little girl Gabby.  We decided to keep it simple and head out to the field near both of our houses- she lives a stone throw from me. The second we got her out in the field, she stayed very serious. As she watched the cars drive by, Crystal and I probably sounded a little crazy with our high squeeky voices and looked a little strange waving our hands around to get her to look and to smile. All in all we definitely showcased little Gabby on that day. She is absolutely adorable.

Boise Family Photography: Mandy and her little gentlemen!!

I am always so thankful when I get to meet a new client- especially when they are a referral. A referral is the best compliment I could ever receive. First of all, a client must really have a great experience and love the service to share that with their friends or family. And that is simply the greatest gift to me. SO with that I introduce Mandy Haynes and her little boys.

Mandy is a referral from Debbie Lehnert. I shot Debbie's family a couple months ago and received the most amazing feedback from her! She loved every proof picture and had to have every one of them! I still smile thinking about that day. Mandy and her husband attend the same "core group" as Debbie through Calvary Chapel Church, which so happens to be the church Aaron and I go to. So we were simply destined to meet! 

 Mandy is B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l! I joked with Aaron saying "She looks like a cover girl". They all look like models. I can't wait to get her husband out next time to shoot the whole family.  Check out these pictures of the day!!

Boise Family Photography: Debbie and her Boys!!

I got a call from Debbie a few weeks back and we scheduled a family shoot for her and her boys. I didn't know her so of course I snooped on facebook and checked her out to see if I recognized her or anyone she knew. The first thing I saw was red hair and blue eyes, on everyone! Wow! What a beautiful family! We were both so excited that we could hardly wait!

 I typically have the little kids run and play while occasionally stopping for a photo or two with mom and dad. Since her youngest wasn't old enough to run we all watched as Kyler ran, jumped around and played. As we walked we both realized that we go to the same church! I am so thankful to have met Debbie and her family! Here are a few from the day!!